Laguna2648 etching press, red.
I Love my press.
When I stand at the wheel, cranking out a new print, I can't help but take a second and smile at this machine. 600 pounds of steel designed to carefully apply absurd amounts of pressure to a delicate piece of paper.
For 6 months I scoured the internet looking for an etching press. I had pretty specific criteria: It needed to be used, quality, affordable, and close enough to Albuquerque that I could easily transport it. Suddenly this appeared 225 miles away, on craigslist in Las Cruces. The press is one year younger than me, we both have a lot of life ahead of us. I rented a truck and had a lovely interaction with the daughter of this press' previous owner. She gave me one of her mothers prints. Then, she hired some guys at a food truck to help load it up. Hundreds of miles and hundreds of prints later I am so happy this Laguna2648 red etching press is mine. It was meant to be.